Paid advertising

Campaign Spend Reach Frequency Impressions CPM Sessions $/session
Genesis v1.2 $10,144 2,227,188 1.95 4,341,530 $2.34 26,592 $0.38
Genesis XL v1.4 $13,405 907,672 2.58 2,339,037 $5.73 6,667 $2.01
Express and Express XL v1.0 $58,058 2,726,858 2.90 7,897,271 $7.35 183,156 $0.32

Shop traffic

Campaign Users Total Sessions Organic Sessions Paid Sessions % Paid Sessions Sessions Per User Average Duration
Genesis v1.2 428,077 554,465 527,873 26,592 4.8% 1.30 1:52
Genesis XL v1.4 42,977 65,715 59,048 6,667 10.2% 1.53 2:12
Express and Express XL v1.0 227,595 266,261 83,105 183,156 68.8% 1.17 0:53


Campaign Sessions Full kits sold Conversation Rate Total sales $/session
Genesis v1.2 554,465 283 0.051% (1/1,959) $824,424 $1.47
Genesis XL v1.4 65,715 67 0.102% (1/981) $200,148 $3.05
Express and Express XL v1.0 266,261 161 0.061% (1/1,654) $307,936 $1.16

Day by day performance

Genesis v1.2

Genesis XL v1.4

Express and Express XL v1.0